As for the Pyramids- gravity was used to fight gravity sans electro-magnetism. Start at 22:41 for a great hard-evidence based explanation of how the Pyramids were built.


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Feb 29Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Typo alert? Fig. 3.1 is not there but fig. 3.2 is.

Really enjoyed this post. Very succinct.

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Thanks for the catch. That was supposed to be Figure 3.1; I just mislabeled it 3.2. Now corrected.

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Well then! So maybe gravity IS electrical in nature! Fascinating

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Possibly. Electromagnetism is so much vastly stronger than gravity that it is easy to believe how a modest or subtle change in our understanding of electromagnetism might unveil the mechanism behind gravity. But I'm not there, yet.

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EPOLA Theory - presumes space is an electronic-positron lattice analogous to a NaCl salt crystal. EM is analogous to "sound waves" traveling through the lattice, and gravity is due to lattice distortions. I met the author, Dr. Menahem Simhony, in the 80's. No one would publish him, so he wrote and printed a small inexpensive pamphlet which he gave out at conferences.

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Reprinted from Physics Forums, 2005.

There have been some misunderstandings about the epola model from the early posts to this thread. Prof M Simhony claims that the electrons and positrons are bound in vacuum space in a face centred cubic (fcc) lattice structure - not as positronium orbital type pseudo atoms. By analogy with ionic crystals, comparing the 1.02MeV required to free an electron-positron pair from the vacuum with the 8eV required to free sodium and chlorine ion pairs from their crystal structure and using the same calculation and constants as for the velocity of bulk deformation waves in the salt crystal, he derives the velocity of light in vacuum and a fcc lattice constant of 4.4 fm. Sodium and chlorine ions are absorbed back into the crystal with release of separate UV photons, just as e- and e+ are absorbed back into the 'e-po-la'-ttice with release of separate 511keV gamma photons. If it helps understanding, the bound e-po particles can be regarded as negative energy store - as described by Dr D Rothe. Electrons and positrons sink back into the lattice with release of energy. Because of the surplus of electrons (matching numbers with protons and as free conduction electrons making the vacuum an n-type semiconductor) the half life of the free positron and of positronium is very short. Details of the epola model are available on the website, www.epola.co.uk, that I maintain as 'archivist' to Prof M Simhony's epola model. There are links from the site to supporting evidence and arguments (Rothe included), APS abstracts and to archives of Simhony's original website, which is no longer online. The epola model is not mainstream but does resolve problems in Relativity and Quantum Theory and provides an explanation for inertia and gravity and all the arbitrary 'laws' that photon waves and particles outside the nucleus obey. The key to the epola model is that the e-po's are elastically bound. David Tombe, to whom I am grateful for reopening this debate, suggests that they are linked in a helical structure. The finer details of the epola model would require expensive investigation and Prof Simhony suggests several experiments in his book (ISBN 981-02-1649-1). I shall be very pleased to respond to questions about the epola and tests of its validity.

Reference: https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/electron-positron-lattice-model.86904/#google_vignette

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Feb 28Liked by Hans G. Schantz

And imagine if it is , you might get a craft like the UFOs so many people have seen since the 40"s

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Feb 29Liked by Hans G. Schantz

And it can also explain how the pyramids were built.

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Feb 29Liked by Hans G. Schantz

An explanation that makes so much more sense than armies of sweating slaves lifting 100 ton blocks into place, and lowering them into place with mathematic precision every time!

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