"Running an electric current through a wire adjacent to a magnetic compass needle"

How did they "generate a current" back in the day?


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The battery was invented in 1800 and enabled experiments with constant currents. Yet it still took until 1819 for Örsted to device the crucial experiment.

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A Cliffhanger! That’s some amped up writing bro highly charged.

Electricity always seeks to return to it’s source. How about them apples.

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Next week's episode will appear a day early for a very special reason, and will share one of the most important dates in electromagnetic history that no one knows about.

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Mar 11Liked by Hans G. Schantz

No one gives the dates of events in months, only in years, unless you read very specific texts. Perhaps the date has something to do with Faraday?

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It does indeed. And by remarkable coincidence I was just reading William Berkson's Fields of Force, and came across another reference to the event I'll describe tomorrow.

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Mar 7Liked by Hans G. Schantz

Looking forward to another Hidden Truth.

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