This Plato guy, whoever he is, has got to be stopped!

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He hated both Homer (poetry) and Democritus (atomism).

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It's tempting to leap to administering the hemlock. Before doing so, it's important to keep in mind the proper role of Platonism in science. We need to restore balance, not mess up science in the opposite direction.


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Get the Hemlock brewing!

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Well researched and written, thank you.

What do you mean by (Einstein’s) more ‘Platonic top-down’ approach? Do you mean more qualitative rather than quantitative? Theoretical rather than empirical?

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Theoretical versus empirical. The distinction between an Aristotelian and a Platonic approach to science is a key theme of Fields & Energy. The two approaches complement each other, but it can be a problem when taken to extremes, and the usual way that happens is by spiraling off into Platonism by building elaborate theoretical fantasies detatched from reality. More here: https://aetherczar.substack.com/p/20-aristotle-plato-and-newton

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