So it was William Thomson, later known as Baron Kelvin, who introduced the concept of free energy?

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I had never heard of George Green. Nevermind his Identities or Functions.

The fact that he worked out the discoveries that Chasles, Strum, Liouville, and Gauss all viewed as their own original work, implies a formidable intellect of his own .

Perhaps on a level with Tesla?

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Green was a brilliant, if troubled, man. His mathematical talent probably exceeded Tesla's. Talented as Tesla was, he wasn't really a mathematician. Green's talent was to take abstract mathematical principles and tie them directly to the phenomena of electricity. I doubt Green was as talented a mathematician as say Gauss, but by taking advantage of the synthesis of mathematical and physical principles, he was able to see a bit further ahead than many of his potentially more mathematically skilled contemporaries.

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Ah yes didn't Tesla make some comment about mathematicians wandering off and getting lost in their equations?

As for Green, we will never know this side of eternity how many more such genius individuals are ultimately lost to us in the here and now.

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