In 1914, Pierre Duhem (1861–1916) haughtily proclaimed the superiority of French and German thinking in understanding field lines without the mechanical scaffolding of the English. A few decades earlier, however, both the French and Germans were largely devoted to action-at-a-distance theories. Nevertheless, it was in Germany that the great breakthrough was made. Writing in 1893, Heaviside observed:
Maxwell’s inimitable theory of dielectric displacement was for long generally regarded as a speculation. There was, for many years, an almost complete dearth of interest in the unverified parts of Maxwell’s theory… Three years ago electromagnetic waves were nowhere. Shortly after, they were everywhere. This was due to a very remarkable and unexpected event, no less than the experimental discovery by Hertz… of the veritable actuality of electromagnetic waves in the ether. And it never rains but it pours; for whilst Hertz with his resonating circuit was working in Germany (where one would least expect such a discovery to be made, if one judged solely by the old German electro-dynamic theories), Lodge was doing in some respects similar work in England, in connection with the theory of lightning conductors [[i]].
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857–1894) demonstrated electromagnetic waves exist in 1888 [[ii]]. He was not the first to experiment with radio waves. Contemporaries such as David Edward Hughes (1831–1900) and Oliver Lodge (1851–1940) performed similar work in parallel. What set Hertz apart, however, was his tenacity in teasing out the properties of these waves from clever use of crude instruments [[iii]].
Hertz set up spark discharge transmitters. Knowing their inductance and capacitance, he could calculate their frequency. He set up standing waves and used a loop with a tiny gap as a detector. Where the glow or arcing across the gap was strongest, the detector was at the peak or anti-node of the standing wave. Where the glow vanished, the detector was a node or null of the standing wave.
His ingenious experiment gave him the wavelength. Multiplying wavelength and frequency together yielded a result for the wave velocity that demonstrated electromagnetic waves moved at the speed of light, just as had been predicted by Maxwell. Through this and similar experiments, Hertz demonstrated that electromagnetic waves had the same properties as light:
...light behaves just as the electric waves here behave; but we must imagine the dimensions of everything concerned in the experiment to be reduced in the same proportions, not only the length of the waves [[v]].
This point requires emphasis. Electrical power oscillations at 60 cycles per second, radio waves at millions to billions of cycles per second, and light at a few hundred million million cycles per second are all electromagnetic waves–the same physical phenomenon, just with different frequencies and wavelengths. In recognition of Hertz’s momentous discovery, the unit of frequency, a “cycle per second,” is called “Hertz.”
In particular, Hertz was the first to systematically explore the physics of the simplest radiating system, the dipole. A dipole may be two equal and opposite charges, as in Figure 3.18, a short current segment, as in Figure 3.21, or even a current loop, as in Figure 3.23. If the actual dipole is small compared to the wavelengths involved, the field lines follow the same “Hertzian” form first discovered and plotted by Hertz. Hertz evaluated how these field lines vary dynamically as the dipole source oscillates and radiates electromagnetic waves. Hertz lacked any sort of computer or graphing calculator to do his work yet produced the beautiful diagrams of Figure 4.51 capturing the dynamic field lines [[vi], [vii]].
Figure 4.51(a) shows the electric fields when the voltage is minimum, and current is maximum. In Figure 4.51(b), voltage grows and current decreases. Figure 4.51(c) shows voltage at a maximum. Figure 4.51(d) shows the voltage decreasing. Some field lines are beginning to decouple. Others are collapsing back into the dipole source. The next half period will have identical behavior except that the sense of the field lines will be reversed.
The “magic” of radiation lies in the transformation of bound, or reactive, electromagnetic fields to unbound, or radiation, fields [[viii]]. This transformation is particularly clear and striking in the electric field of an ideal point electric dipole. The harmonic dipole electric fields of Figure 4.41 correspond to an electric dipole with maximum voltage at time zero. As the dipole voltage decreases, the electric fields collapse. These field lines pinch off at about an eighth of a wavelength (λ/8) to a sixth of a wavelength (λ/6) from the dipole source. Field lines inside this pinch point collapse back into the dipole source. Field lines outside this pinch point form the closed field line loop geometry characteristic of radiation fields. Deprived of their umbilical cord back to the dipole charges, they decouple and radiate away. Figure 4.51 shows a detailed view of the field lines from a dipole of equal and opposite charges (±Q) as a radiated field is born.
Sadly, the dynamic field-line plotting pioneered by Hertz, has become something of a lost art. Most contemporary texts focus on simple static field examples, if they describe field plotting at all [[ix], [x]]. Two rare exceptions that calculate the equations for the field lines of a sinusoidally oscillating dipole are Schelkunoff’s and Friis’ antenna text [[xi]] and Lorrain’s and Corson’s electromagnetics text [[xii]]. Generalizing to dipoles with an arbitrary time dependence is not difficult, and yet, I found no references in the literature. I worked it out and presented it in the second edition of my ultrawideband antenna text, if you are curious about the mathematical details [[xiii]].
Interestingly enough, even many talented physicists and engineers (who should know better) fail to grasp the essential point that radiation fields must form closed loops as required by Gauss’s Law for Electricity. For an infinitesimal dipole or an electrically-small antenna, the radiation fields are often assumed to vary as (sin θ)/r, where θ is the angle with respect to the dipole axis and r is the radial distance. Figure 4.53 shows this behavior. Even the common approximation of a plane wave has this same deficiency, except that the plane-wave approximation moves the missing longitudinal fields arbitrarily far away from the region of interest.
Next time: 4.6.1 How Does Radiation Work?
Full Table of Contents [click here]
Chapter 4 Electromagnetism Comes of Age
4.5 An Introduction to Electromagnetic Models
4.5.3 A Synthesis
4.6 Hertz & Radiation Fields
4.7 How Does Radiation Work?
4.8 Summary & Conclusions
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[[i]] Heaviside, Oliver, Electromagnetic Theory, vol. 1, London: The Electrician, p. 5.
[[ii]] Hertz, Heinrich, Electric Waves, London: Macmillan and Co., 1893. Hertz is justly acclaimed for the accomplishments documented in Electric Waves. This work demonstrates Hertz’s painstaking attention to detail and his mastery of both Maxwell’s theory as well as the experimental techniques necessary to create, detect, and manipulate radio waves.
[[iii]] Smith, Glenn S., An Introduction to Classical Electromagnetic Radiation, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp. 161‑169.
[[iv]] Porträt Heinrich Hertz, Fotografie von Robert Krewaldt, Bonn Veröffentlich bzw. erstellt von "Washington, D.C.: Underwood & Underwood", nachbearbeitet / Lizenz: Public Domain
[[v]] Hertz, H., Electric Waves, London: MacMillan and Co., 1893, pp. 275-6.
[[vi]] “The Forces of Electric Oscillations Treated According to Maxwell’s Theory. by Dr. H. Hertz” 1 . (1889). Nature, 39(1010), 450–452. doi:10.1038/039450b0
p. 451 .
[[vii]] Hertz, Heinrich, Electric Waves, London: Macmillan and Co., 1893, pp. 144–145.
[[viii]] Lekner, John, “The Birth of Radiation,” European Journal of Physics, vol. 40, 2019 025201.
[[ix]] Smythe, William R., Static and Dynamic Electricity, 3rd ed., New York: McGraw Hill, 1968, pp. 7–10.
[[x]] Wangsness, Roald K., Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986, pp. 119–123.
[[xi]] Schelkunoff, Sergei, and Harald Friis, Antennas: Theory and Practice, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1952, pp. 126–129.
[[xii]] Lorrain, Paul, and Dale Corson, Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, 2nd ed., San Francisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1970, pp. 605–611.
[[xiii]] Schantz, Hans, The Art and Science of Ultrawideband Antennas, 2nd ed, Boston: Artech House, 2015, pp. 256-258.
Hertz was the first one to suggest the speed of EM fields in the nearfield is instantaneous. Theoretically he showed that the phase vs distance curves for an oscillating source for the various EM fields are nonlinear in the nearfield and only becomes approximately nonlinear in the farfield, after propagating about 1 wavelength from the source. Since Maxwell showed that far from a source EM fields propagate at speed c, then Hertz correctly guessed that the minima in the nearfield of the phase vs distance curve meant the speed is instantaneous in the nearfield. Since then more rigours derivations of the phenomena show both the phase speed and group speed (speed of information) can be calculated from the inverse of the slope of the curve. Recent experiments measuring the phase vs distance as a sinusoidal signal propagates between 2 dipole antennas, as they are separated from the nearfield to the farfield, show the exact same nonlinear phase vs distance curve, and plotting the inverse of the slope shows the speed of EM fields are instantaneous in the nearfield. In addition, another experiment, performed by several independent researchers, shows an EM pulse propagates in the nearfield with no propagation delay. This shows that the front speed, or the speed of information is instantaneous in the nearfield. This paper has just been peer reviewed and accepted for publication in the EM Journal IRECAP and should be published ~Oct. This research clearly shows that the speed of EM fields (Light) is not a constant and the speed varies with distance from the source, and is in fact infinite in the nearfield,.and is only approximately c in the farfield. Since this proves Relativity's 2nd postulate, which assumes the speed of light is constant for all inertial observers, is wrong, then what remains is just the 1st postulate: Galilean Relativity, where space and time are absolute. For more information see:
*YouTube presentation of above arguments:
*More extensive paper for the above arguments: William D. Walker and Dag Stranneby, A New Interpretation of Relativity, 2023:
*Electromagnetic pulse experiment paper:
*Heinrich Hertz, Electric Waves, London: Macmillan & Co., 1893, p. 152
Dr. William Walker - PhD in physics from ETH Zurich, 1997