Sitemap - 2024 - Fields & Energy

4.5.3 A Synopsis

Quantised Inertia: From Anomalies to New Physics

4.5.2 Jefimenko & Lorentz

What's Wrong With Conventional Electromagnetism?

4.5.1 Potentials and Actions at a Distance

Foundations of Physical Theory: Function of Models

4.5 An Introduction to Electromagnetic Models

4.4.2 The Catt Question

An Introduction to Quantum Entanglement

The Story of the Telegrapher's Equations

4.4.1 How Do Transmission Lines Work?

The Birth of Transmission Line Theory

4.4 Signals Along a Transmission Line

4.3.3 Cross Coupling

Near-Field Technology - An Emerging RF Discipline

4.3.2 Inductive Telegraphy at a Distance

4.3.1 Skin Depth & Litz Wire

4.3 Actions at a Distance: Fluids or Fields?

4.2.2 Fluid Theories of Electricity

A Medieval Study of Magnetism: The Letter of Petrus Peregrinus

4.2.1 Ancient Views

The Old Productive Research Programs Refuse to Die

4.2 Early Models of Electricity

I Know That I Know Nothing

4.1 Heaviside, Poynting, & Energy Flow

"Oliver Heaviside. An Appreciation : The Personal Equation : The Work of a Genius Elucidated"

4.0 Electromagnetism Comes of Age

Reading List for Chapter 3

3.5 Summary and Conclusions

3.4.8 Maxwell's Methods and Views

Ether Or

3.4.7 What is “Free Space?”

E7. Capacitors

3.4.6 Permittivity & Permeability

"On Action At a Distance"

3.4.5 Faraday’s Law & Electromagnetic Waves

The Right-Hand Rule for Radiation

3.4.4 Ampère’s Law

Uncovering the Lost Secrets of Weber’s Electrodynamics (Dr Andre Assis RTF Lecture)

3.4.3 Gauss’s Laws

3.4.2 Maxwell’s Original Equations

E3. Current, Resistance

3.4.1 Ohm's Law

3.4 James Clerk Maxwell & His Equations

3.3 Potentials, Energy, & Fields

3.2 Michael Faraday

3.1 The Discovery of Electromagnetism

3.0 The Birth of Electromagnetism

Reading List for Chapter 2: Aristotle, Plato, and Newton

2.7 Summary and Conclusions

The Point-atoms of Ruđer Josip Bošković: The Key to the Fields of Michael Faraday

2.6.3 The Misinterpretation of Newton

Voltaire as Science Popularizer

2.6.2 Newton's Legacy


2.6.1 Newton’s Methods

2.6 Isaac Newton

A New Adaptation of Galileo's "Two New Sciences" for Modern Readers

2.5 René Descartes

2.4 The Copernican Revolution & the “Horror Vacui”

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment

2.3 Francis Bacon & The Birth of Scientism